Warrior for Disclosure
When Corey Goode first came forward in 2015 as a Secret Space Program (“SSP”) whistle blower, he had no idea of the vicious attacks he would soon face for daring to speak the truth. Corey has exposed deeply rooted elements of the criminal syndicates that control much of our planetary infrastructure, including many crimes against humanity and our children. He has also informed us of the incredible technologies and SSP infrastructure that already exists right here under our feet, and across our solar system – all of which rightfully belongs to humanity.
Corey has bravely come forward to tell us the truth – about these secret programs, classified technologies that could heal our bodies and planet Earth over night, and human trafficking (and sacrifice) connected to Luciferian cults – so that we can Demand Full Disclosure Now and begin working toward a better future for all!
Fighting Dark Forces
Because of this, Corey (and almost anyone who works with him) has been relentlessly attacked, harassed, defamed, stalked, and threatened by shadowy tactics of those in power who desperately wish to silence him, as they slowly lose their choke-hold on humanity and our beloved planet.
These cowardly dark forces often fight their wars through malicious, vulnerable, or desperate individuals, and they must be faced and brought to truth and light.
But this is no easy task. These dark forces have cleverly designed their plan to destroy Corey and his efforts to Disclose the Truth by using proxies from all corners of our Country – and the globe – to do their dirty work.
Because of the way the law works, in many cases, this means that Corey must pursue and fight these entities in various court systems in the jurisdictions where these individuals reside – which makes this fight incredibly expensive and time consuming.
Stand with Corey!
But Corey is a brave warrior of Truth, and he will not give up! He is willing to take on this fight – for all of us!
This fight will take many months; perhaps even years, and will undoubtedly be very expensive and exhausting. The wheels of justice move slowly – but they do move. And Corey understands that the right way to handle these attackers is to harness the power and grace of the courts and law enforcement, to seek help through the proper legal channels.
Please join Corey in his fight for the Truth, for Full Disclosure Now, and for ALL OF HUMANITY!

Your donation constitutes a private “GIFT” and is not a tax-deductible donation. Corey’s Legal Fund is not a 501(c)(3) or other charitable organization under the rules and regulations of the Internal Revenue Code.
Gifts of support will be used to pay for Corey’s legal fees, court costs, and expenses related to legal disputes and litigation. At the conclusion of all legal disputes and litigation, any unused funds will be donated to reputable charities established to defend victims of human trafficking.
All Gifts of support will be deposited into a separate and private bank account owned by Light Warrior Legal Fund, LLC – a Corey Goode company. Corey has hired a reputable accounting firm to oversee this account, and to ensure that these funds are used solely in relation to legal fees and related expenses, and for no other purpose. This accounting firm will also have the responsibility of reviewing legal invoices and expenses, and making payment directly therefor.
Corey expresses his deepest gratitude to all who wish to show their support of Corey through their generous Gift.
Light Warrior Legal Fund, LLC
Phone Number: 702-623-2560
Mailbox Extension: 2560
Fax: 702-832-1710
This website was created by friends & supporters of Corey Goode, and was neither written nor created by Corey himself.